
Resume advice is ridiculous these days

Mini rant, because I'm job hunting and very much over it. I feel like every time I update my resume, I have to redo it from scratch just to keep up with what is considered the “standard” at the time, knowing full well it'll change again in 6 months. – Make your resume stand out, but also don't focus on aesthetics. – Use two columns to make it easier for people to read, but also only use one column to make it easier for computers to read. – Don't have gaps, but also don't list every job. – Tell us what your key responsibilities were, but also tell us what your achievements were. Also do this in your cover letter, but don't repeat yourself. I just saw a LinkedIn post where a recruiter complained about too many soft skills on resumes because “I assume you know how to do all…

Mini rant, because I'm job hunting and very much over it.

I feel like every time I update my resume, I have to redo it from scratch just to keep up with what is considered the “standard” at the time, knowing full well it'll change again in 6 months.

– Make your resume stand out, but also don't focus on aesthetics.
– Use two columns to make it easier for people to read, but also only use one column to make it easier for computers to read.
– Don't have gaps, but also don't list every job.
– Tell us what your key responsibilities were, but also tell us what your achievements were. Also do this in your cover letter, but don't repeat yourself.

I just saw a LinkedIn post where a recruiter complained about too many soft skills on resumes because “I assume you know how to do all this anyway”. Instead you should apparently explain how you used these skills to achieve results. Sorry, but isn't that what the interview is for? How am I supposed to answer every potential question they might have in a resume that's only supposed to be 1-2 pages long??

And let's be real…99% of office jobs don't really have “achievements”, at least not tangible ones that sound good on a resume.

It's just so infuriating that I have to jump through 1000 hoops, bend over backwards for a job listing that has half a dozen spelling errors in it.

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