
Returning to office on Monday after 3 years of 100% working at home… they’re buying everyone lunch that day

I guess this is more of a rant than anything, but we got an email in early January that was basically like, “we had such a great year, here are the top ten order writers”… four were 100% work from home since March 2020, a handful flex, and the remainder work totally in the office by choice. Got an email the following week that my department was required to return to the office March 6th, 100% back to the office, the usual reasons cited – ‘team work’, ‘build camaraderie’, etc. Mind you, I work with basically 0 oversight because my company has never truly embraced wfh, even though other people in different departments also flex. A lot of us also have been using our own computers, and the people we regularly need to speak with are either in different buildings or different cities. After hearing nothing about it since early…

I guess this is more of a rant than anything, but we got an email in early January that was basically like, “we had such a great year, here are the top ten order writers”… four were 100% work from home since March 2020, a handful flex, and the remainder work totally in the office by choice.

Got an email the following week that my department was required to return to the office March 6th, 100% back to the office, the usual reasons cited – ‘team work’, ‘build camaraderie’, etc.

Mind you, I work with basically 0 oversight because my company has never truly embraced wfh, even though other people in different departments also flex. A lot of us also have been using our own computers, and the people we regularly need to speak with are either in different buildings or different cities.

After hearing nothing about it since early Jan (except from my lead when I reached out to her for other issues), today we get a reminder email about returning. Apparently, we have a meeting in the middle of the office later that morning, and then afterwards, they’re providing lunch. Like this somehow makes it better?! I busted my ass these last three years, assuming WFH was a privilege and would continue for those who proved they can handle it. Another high producing coworker was told we are expected to manage the same work load in the office as we did at home, despite taking on more work. Mmmm… yeah, no.

They’ve tried to get us to come back a few times in 2020, once midway through 2021, and that went nowhere. Literally heard nothing about them changing course in 2022, and now it’s like… why?!

Anyone else have similar experiences? And if so, how did it end? We already had one rage quit… so tempted to follow, but ik I need to secure another job first

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