
Rich create racial division to protect themselves

Isnt it strange that moment occupy wall street started gaining traction, ton of racial related violence happended and narrative changed and shifted? The rich fear what would happen if all low people income united with middle class and together overthrown the rich. Nothing scares the big guy more than “redneck cletus” and “thug jamal” stop hating on each other and realizing who truly the enemy is. Media, police… they are all tools to create racial division to hide wealth division. Remember. The person who has different color or different religion or sexual orientation has the same struggle financially as you. See what you have in common rather what divide you.

Isnt it strange that moment occupy wall street started gaining traction, ton of racial related violence happended and narrative changed and shifted?
The rich fear what would happen if all low people income united with middle class and together overthrown the rich.
Nothing scares the big guy more than “redneck cletus” and “thug jamal” stop hating on each other and realizing who truly the enemy is.
Media, police… they are all tools to create racial division to hide wealth division.
Remember. The person who has different color or different religion or sexual orientation has the same struggle financially as you. See what you have in common rather what divide you.

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