
RIF Incoming

Today I learned that we are having a small RIF and I, fortunately (unfortunately?) am not part of it. I’ve been at this company for about 5 years and the lack of good management and leadership is abysmal. I asked for a raise and promotion back in January and have been put off saying that I’m not ready for a management position then told that there was no room in the budget. The absurd business decisions the executive team is making is the reason why this is happening. I’ve been looking and applying for jobs but as you all know, the job market is hard. One thing I’m considering is filing a complaint about HIPAA violations just because I’m feeling burned by getting denied a raise and now the layoffs. We use google sheets to pull data from our EMR to payroll and I’ve always thought this is not secure.…

Today I learned that we are having a small RIF and I, fortunately (unfortunately?) am not part of it.
I’ve been at this company for about 5 years and the lack of good management and leadership is abysmal. I asked for a raise and promotion back in January and have been put off saying that I’m not ready for a management position then told that there was no room in the budget. The absurd business decisions the executive team is making is the reason why this is happening. I’ve been looking and applying for jobs but as you all know, the job market is hard.
One thing I’m considering is filing a complaint about HIPAA violations just because I’m feeling burned by getting denied a raise and now the layoffs. We use google sheets to pull data from our EMR to payroll and I’ve always thought this is not secure.
This is more of a rant that I’ve been chewing on for a while but please let me know your thoughts on using Google for PHI.

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