
Right to refuse to work public holiday.

Now this is for people from Australia, but still read if you are from another country because if you don't have this right then you should fight for it. In Australia we have the right to refuse to work a public holiday, it is outlined by Fair Work here: This all started because yesterday my manager asked us in our team chat, “is there anything preventing any of you from working the King's Birthday public holiday?” I was the only one who answered yes, and I was then asked in a private message what my reason was. I just said I would like the day off. I was then told that I need a “valid reason” why I am “unable” to work it and unless we provide a reason, we do not have a choice whether we work it or not. I explained we have the right to refuse…

Now this is for people from Australia, but still read if you are from another country because if you don't have this right then you should fight for it.

In Australia we have the right to refuse to work a public holiday, it is outlined by Fair Work here:

This all started because yesterday my manager asked us in our team chat, “is there anything preventing any of you from working the King's Birthday public holiday?” I was the only one who answered yes, and I was then asked in a private message what my reason was. I just said I would like the day off. I was then told that I need a “valid reason” why I am “unable” to work it and unless we provide a reason, we do not have a choice whether we work it or not.

I explained we have the right to refuse to work a public holiday and then provided that pdf highlighting that a reasonable refusal is “the amount of notice in advance of the public holiday given by the employee in refusing the request”. Since they only just asked us yesterday whether we have a reason not to work the public holiday, I feel they cannot deny my refusal on those grounds.

I have not heard back about the matter from my manger since yesterday after I sent the pdf. But I brought it up with our union representative in the hopes they let upper management know that we can in fact choose to not to work a public holiday.

I understand some people like to work public holidays because of the higher pay, which is fair enough, but I personally value my free time more than money. And having a day off and still getting paid for it is better in my opinion.

TL;DR: In Australia you can refuse to work public holidays. If your employer tells you that you need a reason to not work a public holiday, they are wrong.

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