
Rise in “anti-tipping” content online?

Maybe it’s just me but I’ve been seeing a rising pattern of memes and clickbaity articles coming down on tipped employees. The common thread is mocking workers demanding tips for little work, or for shaming those who don’t tip them. Basically the aim is to portray these people as entitled and lazy brats who want to demand money they don’t deserve, which most people recognize is a 100% bs characterization. When there’s a nation wide debate about how we compensate workers, it’s worrying to see this narrative being pushed to seemingly just drive a wedge between working people.

Maybe it’s just me but I’ve been seeing a rising pattern of memes and clickbaity articles coming down on tipped employees. The common thread is mocking workers demanding tips for little work, or for shaming those who don’t tip them. Basically the aim is to portray these people as entitled and lazy brats who want to demand money they don’t deserve, which most people recognize is a 100% bs characterization.

When there’s a nation wide debate about how we compensate workers, it’s worrying to see this narrative being pushed to seemingly just drive a wedge between working people.

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