
Roster change denied due to taking sick leave every month

This is less a complain post and more about how to constructively discuss this situation. I'm Australian and work full time in Australia. I work an office role Tuesday to Saturday. We're entitled to 1 sick day per month. It's god awful on Saturdays. Multi billion dollar company, chronically understaffed in the area I'm in and most days are a slog. I take my allocated 1 sick leave day every month, most of the time for genuine appointments and sometimes for a mental health day' (customer service role, and people suck so much in this area). In the last two months, I've taken 2 sick days per month and had one of them taken as leave. I've previously discussed my concerns and interest over the last few months to have a normal weekend and in the 3 months that I've discussed this (once per month in a catch up), I…

This is less a complain post and more about how to constructively discuss this situation.

I'm Australian and work full time in Australia. I work an office role Tuesday to Saturday. We're entitled to 1 sick day per month. It's god awful on Saturdays. Multi billion dollar company, chronically understaffed in the area I'm in and most days are a slog.

I take my allocated 1 sick leave day every month, most of the time for genuine appointments and sometimes for a mental health day' (customer service role, and people suck so much in this area). In the last two months, I've taken 2 sick days per month and had one of them taken as leave.

I've previously discussed my concerns and interest over the last few months to have a normal weekend and in the 3 months that I've discussed this (once per month in a catch up), I have been told basically nothing until now.

What do I even do from here? I feel like they're chastising me for taking sick leave? Or that they're treating a normal working week roster as some kind of reward? I don't understand the headspace of it.

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