
Said something I probably shouldn’t have

One of the full-timers at my job is upset with me because I “said I was only there for the money” in front of a customer. First of all, not what I said. What I did say was that the reason I was working anywhere was to pay for a college class I have to retake. The reason I am working where I am is bc they were the company to get back to me at all. I even said I really like the work, particularly the customer service aspect, which is true. Most of the people are super nice. Secondly, what the hell does anyone (including the customer) care if I'm only there for the money? If I'm giving you the service you expect and that the company expects of me, what does my motive matter? I actually like the company and people I work for, but that shouldn't…

One of the full-timers at my job is upset with me because I “said I was only there for the money” in front of a customer. First of all, not what I said. What I did say was that the reason I was working anywhere was to pay for a college class I have to retake. The reason I am working where I am is bc they were the company to get back to me at all. I even said I really like the work, particularly the customer service aspect, which is true. Most of the people are super nice.

Secondly, what the hell does anyone (including the customer) care if I'm only there for the money? If I'm giving you the service you expect and that the company expects of me, what does my motive matter? I actually like the company and people I work for, but that shouldn't matter. If I'm there for the money and nothing else, that doesn't change how I do my job or the quality of my service.

The full timer said “Well as long as you're here, the reason you're here is to provide good service.” Yes, I agree. I never said anything different. While I'm here, that is my primary goal. But I don't come in every day because I just love serving customers. I do it for the money, and I shouldn't be chastised or scolded for that.

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