
Scared to quit my toxic job

I’ve been working at my company for about three years now, and I’ve been an assistant manager for two years. This job has been extremely convenient for me as a college student because I have the ability to create my own schedule. Contrast to popular opinion, I actually enjoy working retail. I enjoy talking to customers, making sales, and general maintenance of the store. I am the youngest of four managers at my store, and I am also the newest. My boss and the other two managers have been working together for eight years. Because of this, they are a lot closer with each other than with me. This does not bother me because I am there to work, not to make friends. I consider myself a good employee. I have only called out once in three years. I cover shifts when I can. I am always on time. I…

I’ve been working at my company for about three years now, and I’ve been an assistant manager for two years. This job has been extremely convenient for me as a college student because I have the ability to create my own schedule. Contrast to popular opinion, I actually enjoy working retail. I enjoy talking to customers, making sales, and general maintenance of the store.

I am the youngest of four managers at my store, and I am also the newest. My boss and the other two managers have been working together for eight years. Because of this, they are a lot closer with each other than with me. This does not bother me because I am there to work, not to make friends.

I consider myself a good employee. I have only called out once in three years. I cover shifts when I can. I am always on time. I clean the store pretty thoroughly when it’s not busy instead of standing around on my phone.

The issue is that despite this, my boss just doesn’t me. I don’t know if it’s because I’m the youngest manager, or if my introverted personality is off putting, but she will make it obvious at times that she doesn’t like me. She doesn’t greet me with the same energy as the other managers, she doesn’t like working with me so she schedules herself when I’m not there, and she’s made comments to other employees which imply that she thinks I’m annoying.

Most recently, I overheard her complaining to one of the other two managers about having to work with me. I will admit, I listened in on their conversation when I shouldn’t have, but I heard my name so curiosity got the best of me. The conversation went along the lines of

Boss: “I’m going to take my full hour break on Friday. Anything to escape from (my name)”

Coworker: “Haha it’s your turn to close with her”

I’m not the type of person to let these things get the best of me because I’m used to stuff like this, but it really hurt my feelings. I ended up crying on my way home. I’m a very shy and quiet person, and I guess it makes me an easy target. I’m not sure why my coworkers have such a disliking for me because I mind my own business while at work and I do my job. Nothing more and nothing less.

There are a few reasons I’m hesitant to quit. Number one is that it’s a convenient job since I’m a college student. Although my boss dislikes me so much, she is very lenient when it comes to my schedule. The environment is very laidback at this job, and as a manager she is not strict about phone use, taking extra breaks, etc. She is not outright nasty to me ever, it’s more of a situation where I know she’ll talk/joke about me behind my back to my coworkers.

I’m torn on what to do. Part of me wants to quit, because for people in their 30s and 40s to be talking about a 20 year old like this just rubs me the wrong way. It’s childish high school behavior, and I almost feel uncomfortable now even though I’m able to just act like I never heard the conversation.

The other part of me doesn’t want to quit because of the convenience and leniency of the job. I feel like this type of situation is common in most workplaces, and I don’t want to sacrifice being able to make my own schedule or the laidback environment.

I could really use some advice right now!

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