
Searching for a quote

Hi! I’m looking for a quote/meme that went around a couple weeks ago. It was basically one person asking the other if they are unhappy, why don’t they quit and get a better job. The other person responds that if they can improve conditions (union) they’ll have a better job. I was looking for the complete phrasing (I feel like I’m forgetting a big chunk of it) to post at work. If you have any other short, inspiring pro union/make your situation better quotes, I would love to see those too! Thanks!

Hi! I’m looking for a quote/meme that went around a couple weeks ago. It was basically one person asking the other if they are unhappy, why don’t they quit and get a better job. The other person responds that if they can improve conditions (union) they’ll have a better job. I was looking for the complete phrasing (I feel like I’m forgetting a big chunk of it) to post at work. If you have any other short, inspiring pro union/make your situation better quotes, I would love to see those too! Thanks!

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