
seeking advice about my work

i was recently promoted. of course i accepted, but it took a month for that promotion to “be in full effect” so for that month, i was unknowingly working at my past pay rate. that rubbed me the wrong way, but i didn't want to cause any issues, so i didn't say anything. i received an email from HR with the updated documents to sign, and the salary listed was different from the salary i was verbally told several times during the promotion discussions. maybe i am in the wrong here, but i felt like i deserved to know why the number had changed. i contacted the hiring manager and HR about this and did not receive a response. i reached out to the hiring manager directly for further clarity since they were in the meetings where this promotion and salary were discussed. the hiring manager responded by penciling me…

i was recently promoted. of course i accepted, but it took a month for that promotion to “be in full effect” so for that month, i was unknowingly working at my past pay rate. that rubbed me the wrong way, but i didn't want to cause any issues, so i didn't say anything.

i received an email from HR with the updated documents to sign, and the salary listed was different from the salary i was verbally told several times during the promotion discussions. maybe i am in the wrong here, but i felt like i deserved to know why the number had changed. i contacted the hiring manager and HR about this and did not receive a response. i reached out to the hiring manager directly for further clarity since they were in the meetings where this promotion and salary were discussed. the hiring manager responded by penciling me in for a meeting next week.

am i going to be let go for directly contacting HR? or for asking about the salary? am i overthinking? i know i am, but i need some outside insight lol.
i'm now worried that standing up for myself has fucked me

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