
Seeking other US union dissidents!

Most of the 14 million union members in the US have already gathered that the labor movement isn't at the progressive cutting edge–isn't, to borrow a phrase, “the left of the possible,” or anything like it. I'm a longtime union member and I want to change things from the inside, but it's a huge fight. I haven't even been able to find organized progressive dissidents inside the 1M+ national union I pay dues to–it's one of the more liberal ones, I guess, but that's not saying much. Anyone else here interested in forming a subreddit or other variety of discussion group for people struggling to bring their unions into vehicles to advance better-than-Biden politics?

Most of the 14 million union members in the US have already gathered that the labor movement isn't at the progressive cutting edge–isn't, to borrow a phrase, “the left of the possible,” or anything like it. I'm a longtime union member and I want to change things from the inside, but it's a huge fight.

I haven't even been able to find organized progressive dissidents inside the 1M+ national union I pay dues to–it's one of the more liberal ones, I guess, but that's not saying much. Anyone else here interested in forming a subreddit or other variety of discussion group for people struggling to bring their unions into vehicles to advance better-than-Biden politics?

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