
Senior People Director Negligence

I recently took and internal position change or “promotion” at the company I work for. It would see me go from part time (32 hrs/week bullshit) to full time (40 hrs/wk.) I had to fight tooth and nail for a minor raise, and during the process the Senior Director of People for the corporation sent my boss a hastily drafted “Offer Letter” with nothing official in it other than my hourly rate. With all full time positions at our company, they offer some shitty healthcare (better than nothing) and a host of minor “feel good” benefits like free subscriptions to Headspace etc. Aside from my unofficial letter that was read to me, I never received an offer letter or employment contract that outlined the benefits and deal I was agreeing to. That was April 27th. Months later, still hadn't received anything official RE benefits, but have been receiving the new…

I recently took and internal position change or “promotion” at the company I work for. It would see me go from part time (32 hrs/week bullshit) to full time (40 hrs/wk.) I had to fight tooth and nail for a minor raise, and during the process the Senior Director of People for the corporation sent my boss a hastily drafted “Offer Letter” with nothing official in it other than my hourly rate. With all full time positions at our company, they offer some shitty healthcare (better than nothing) and a host of minor “feel good” benefits like free subscriptions to Headspace etc.

Aside from my unofficial letter that was read to me, I never received an offer letter or employment contract that outlined the benefits and deal I was agreeing to. That was April 27th. Months later, still hadn't received anything official RE benefits, but have been receiving the new pay. I asked my boss when I'd be receiving the sign up info, and he's like 'oh you still haven't?”

Turns out SDP asshole, getting paid upwards of $200k per year, left the company and didn't complete the side of the work he needed to do to make my transition official in the books. As a result, I was not able to sign up for healthcare until this week, months later. I am livid. How can a motherfucker making that much money have ZERO accountability for something as VITAL as health benefits for someone, but if I'm ONE MINUTE late to work I get a talking to from my boss. I am working out the details and getting everything in writing, including their reasoning as to why I didn't receive offer/benefit details earlier. I want to sue them for backdated benefits, but realistically I haven't spent anything on healthcare in that time because I can't afford it.

I'm just upset that this class of senior director motherfuckers can seemingly do dogshit work without accountability because no one checks on them. Give me my god damn fucking healthcare that I deserve, get your fucking work done like you ask me to do.

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