
Sexist workplace

So I work at a carwash, its not hard work, but I have been there 3 years (20f) . Really the only things I don't know how to do there is fixing the heavy machinery or putting on our reclaim system (only one manager has been training me properly on that) one of our managers left in July so my boss was looking to promote us to supervisor, his first pick was my male coworker who didn't want the position and has only been there 6 months or so at the time, I offered to change my schedule, cover shifts, keep my sales rep position while attending to the other tasks, and learn anything that I didn't know how to do already incase necessary. My boss still did not want to give me the position until my other manager (he happens to be my boyfriend but we do our best…

So I work at a carwash, its not hard work, but I have been there 3 years (20f) . Really the only things I don't know how to do there is fixing the heavy machinery or putting on our reclaim system (only one manager has been training me properly on that) one of our managers left in July so my boss was looking to promote us to supervisor, his first pick was my male coworker who didn't want the position and has only been there 6 months or so at the time, I offered to change my schedule, cover shifts, keep my sales rep position while attending to the other tasks, and learn anything that I didn't know how to do already incase necessary. My boss still did not want to give me the position until my other manager (he happens to be my boyfriend but we do our best to keep that from interacting with our jobs) spoke to him telling him that I would most likely quit so we both ended up getting the position. I'm never allowed to close and I'm only allowed to open which my managers are there with me in the morning, but my male coworker is left alone to close and the whole time I have never been offered the opportunity although I've asked multiple times to be able to. I found out that he is getting paid more than me now, I asked for a raise the other day while juggling multiple broken things that are resulting in customers treating me poorly, on top of doing sales which my boss denied the raise and said I would need to sell even MORE memberships (we are getting at least 30 a week and have 2500+ members and we have gained over 1000 since I've been the rep) . Mind you my boss even said nobody else wants to do my job while im begging to run tunnel instead which I do when its only my other manager. I talk to around 300-400 people a day. I do more tasks all of my coworker. The only things that the other supervisor does is run the tunnel, occasionally runs to the kiosks and do our towels if asked. He gets visibly upset in front of customers, cusses them out, sprays them in the face and has even broken our equipment due to how short tempered he is. I honestly just needed to vent here, I've been having breakdowns at work because it feels like no matter how hard I work, I will always be second to my male coworkers, I know reporting their shitty behavior wont get me a raise but its really taking a toll on my mental state. I've also seen other female coworkers being treated the same way but I am the only one left, its almost impossible for me to find another job where I live that wont result in a major pay cut or having to adjust my schedule drastically

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