
Sharing salary: a cautionary tale

I shared my salary with coworkers four times and it didn't go well twice. Seems like some people use a salary as a proxy for social status. So when they find out you make more than they do, they get agitated and pissed with you rather than with those who sets the salaries. I decided that from now on I will shave off 5k when sharing in order not to dent coworkers' fragile egos

I shared my salary with coworkers four times and it didn't go well twice. Seems like some people use a salary as a proxy for social status. So when they find out you make more than they do, they get agitated and pissed with you rather than with those who sets the salaries.
I decided that from now on I will shave off 5k when sharing in order not to dent coworkers' fragile egos

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