
She tried to fire me so i quit

-this will be a long post and idk how to summarize tldr Ive never really told anyone this story but i think it belongs here so here goes nothing. My mom worked at a childcare center all my life. In my 8th grade year the business was sold and they had a new owner. This owner owned a couple of other centers around town. Her mother helped manage them but she was NOT the owner. Some years passed, my mom got a promotion to be director (think of boss/manager in childcare terms)and i got grandfathered in to work there as well after graduating high school. She split her time between teaching and running the office/ doing required paperwork. Often times she was there on the weekends. You may ask why that is important in this story but it is because in those years my mom and the owner got extremely…

-this will be a long post and idk how to summarize tldr

Ive never really told anyone this story but i think it belongs here so here goes nothing. My mom worked at a childcare center all my life. In my 8th grade year the business was sold and they had a new owner. This owner owned a couple of other centers around town. Her mother helped manage them but she was NOT the owner. Some years passed, my mom got a promotion to be director (think of boss/manager in childcare terms)and i got grandfathered in to work there as well after graduating high school. She split her time between teaching and running the office/ doing required paperwork. Often times she was there on the weekends. You may ask why that is important in this story but it is because in those years my mom and the owner got extremely close. Traveling out of state together, getting matching tats, we went over to their house on holidays, i used to get picked up to go out with them. I would spend the night over at her house. Babysit her younger kids, ect. As i mentioned she had other centers and there was a couple of times she would ask me to go fill in for someone at the sister center on the other side of town. unfortunately her mom ran that center. There were alot of different things that happened in that building that made me not willing to work there under her that caused extreme embarrassment. For instance i had the kids outside want they wanted to play cops and robbers ers so i did, however my shoes slipped on the wet concrete and i fell. We had a field trip later that day and i came back to find out that she saw me slip and fall (there were cameras set up everywhere) and called the employees in to watch it as well, even encouraging some of them to record it on their phones so they can show others when they get back in. She would cuss at me, call me out of my name and make comments about my physical appearance. A woman in her fifties acted like that to a 18 yr old. Why? Well other than her just rather unpleasant demeanor, she HATED my mom because my mom was close to her daughter and she felt like she was “losing”. Because of this she started logging in and watching the cameras at our facility so that she could call and gripe at my mom for sneezing up instead of down. Stuff like that. Eventually she convinced the owner my mom needed to take a leave and that the work load was to much for her (it wasnt) but they were convinced of it so they kept her on salary but demoted her which cut her hours. Because of this, now the owners mother was appointed director of our center. Fast foward a couple months and my mom finds out a relative close to her brother (who lives in a different state) passed due to oding and she wanted to be there for her brother, my mom didnt have the $$ to go at the time but i did. I requested a friday off (we dont work weekends and we were going to be closed monday due to a holiday) and explained why i requested off. I was given it with alot of attitude and lip. My mom already had friday off. The week before we left she started being spiteful as per usual. Knowing at the time my mom was my ride and i was going to be paying our way she scheduled me to start coming in an hr before my mother and changed the schedule of the other person to come in at my old time (8:00) which meant i was wasting $$ on an uber now but whatever schedule changes happen. I came in and she said a parent had a complaint against me. Following protocol, she interviewed the children, staff, and watched videos for evidence to back up the complaint and ultimately found nothing because the claim was bogus to begin with. She said even though their investigation proved my innocence i needed to sign a disciplinary note, i expressed my confusion on why im signing something admitting fault when i had none and was told i can either sign it and work or refuse to sign and go home so i stupidly signed it cause i needed money. Daycares are ran by ratios meaning if you have for example 16 3 year olds u need an assistant because its 15:1. Knowing this i stayed later than scheduled one day because we had 13 2 yr olds and the ratio is 11:1. When i went to clock off she told me “if you are scheduled to leave at 4 i expect you out of my building by 4:01 unless told otherwise” so, that thursday before i left we had 14 kids on the playground. I came inside at 3:58 got my purse and clocked out for 4 o clock. When she saw me clocking out she came bareling at me asking if i had a mental issue (she used the R word) and started cussing at me for leaving someone out of ratio. I told her she told me to he gone by 4:01 she then yelled and said there was noone to take my place and i shrugged telling her i dont make the schedule i just work it and if she scheduled me to leave at 4 she should have had someone to take my place. She turned red and started spewing alot of profanities attached to the words “if you walk out that door you’re fired” so i calmly told her she didn’t need to fire me because i quit. She followed me to the door yelling the whole time until i shut it in her face. My mom also put her letter of resignation in saying she can tolerate being treated like that but not her kid. Just to give you an idea of how my mom ran ship vs the owners mother: when she left, employees quit and most of all the parents tried to find out where she was (they told parents for a month my mother was sick in the hospital) until the cook told them the truth and they took their kids to where my mom now worked leaving a building that once had 72 kids now with only 10.

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