
Shock of being turned down for position:

I’ve been with my employer for a little over 5 years now. My manager asked me roughly 2 years ago if I would be interested in her job, and that she will be retiring in the next few years. I said I would like to think about it, and she said to let her know quickly so they can start planning and training someone. I let her know the next day I would be interested. I then became her backup when she is on vacations/sick, she has trained me on the basics of her job. (Keep in mind, she’s also my backup as well when I am out). Fast forward to now: her job was posted internally & externally. I was already confused because I thought the job was mine since she asked me years ago if I wanted it- so I thought why are they posting the job? I…

I’ve been with my employer for a little over 5 years now. My manager asked me roughly 2 years ago if I would be interested in her job, and that she will be retiring in the next few years. I said I would like to think about it, and she said to let her know quickly so they can start planning and training someone. I let her know the next day I would be interested. I then became her backup when she is on vacations/sick, she has trained me on the basics of her job. (Keep in mind, she’s also my backup as well when I am out).

Fast forward to now: her job was posted internally & externally. I was already confused because I thought the job was mine since she asked me years ago if I wanted it- so I thought why are they posting the job? I had two interviews that went extremely well, but I knew there was a few internal candidates that applied as well and they were impressed with them. On Friday, they let me know they decided to go with someone else, because ‘he knew more about the product’. What have I been doing, busting my ass the last few years training and being your back-up? I was good enough for when you were out sick or on vacation, but not good enough for the actual job. So this person they chose is going to become MY manager, and not only will he have to train and learn that position, he will also have to learn mine, since she is my backup and no one else knows my job. This is just unbelievable. There’s no way I will be able to handle him being my manager. I’m still in shock and it’s almost been a week.

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