
Should employees know how they are evaluated?

I am currently a supervisor at my first job out of college. There are a few things that I have been doing very differently than my bosses. The primary one on my mind right now is promotions. My organization has a pretty objective promotion pathway. There are a list of core capabilities and you are scored from 1-4 on them then they are averaged together. 1-no experience, 2- assisting supervisors, 3- executing with minimal supervisor assistance, 4- executing without supervisor assistance and training others. This form can be found online on the HR webpage if you know where to look. I have made that form available to everyone who reports to me, and some that don’t, and told them how they are scored. My thought process is as follows: staff should understand what is expected of them to move up in the company. If they hate/struggle with something and it’s…

I am currently a supervisor at my first job out of college. There are a few things that I have been doing very differently than my bosses.

The primary one on my mind right now is promotions. My organization has a pretty objective promotion pathway. There are a list of core capabilities and you are scored from 1-4 on them then they are averaged together. 1-no experience, 2- assisting supervisors, 3- executing with minimal supervisor assistance, 4- executing without supervisor assistance and training others. This form can be found online on the HR webpage if you know where to look. I have made that form available to everyone who reports to me, and some that don’t, and told them how they are scored. My thought process is as follows: staff should understand what is expected of them to move up in the company. If they hate/struggle with something and it’s a core competency, they might not ever get promoted and they won’t know why.

I was not provided this form until almost a year and a half into my employment during my first promotion (you get a copy of the evaluation form with your scores when you are promoted). When I received it I was a little blindsided due to my low scores in competencies that I wasn’t aware mattered. I was promoted regardless, but would have appreciated clarity in expectations.

Are there downsides to me doing this? As an employee, what would your preference be?

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