
Should I ask to be demoted to casual staff?

Hey everyone, I would like to ask for advice. I am currently working full-time for a company based in a first-world country, while I reside in a third-world country. Initially, I started as a freelancer and then requested a full-time position, which I was granted. The pay was decent compared to local standards, although lower than what the natives of the company's country were getting. I didn't receive any insurance or other benefits, but I did get paid leave. When I started full-time, the company founder, who had never been involved before, stepped in and found that the company was poorly managed and in a bad financial state. He started enforcing strict rules and cost-cutting measures, leading to the dismissal of staff one by one until I was the only one left. Now, I single-handedly manage the company's day-to-day operations while also helping him optimize the company. Despite this, I…

Hey everyone, I would like to ask for advice. I am currently working full-time for a company based in a first-world country, while I reside in a third-world country. Initially, I started as a freelancer and then requested a full-time position, which I was granted. The pay was decent compared to local standards, although lower than what the natives of the company's country were getting. I didn't receive any insurance or other benefits, but I did get paid leave.

When I started full-time, the company founder, who had never been involved before, stepped in and found that the company was poorly managed and in a bad financial state. He started enforcing strict rules and cost-cutting measures, leading to the dismissal of staff one by one until I was the only one left. Now, I single-handedly manage the company's day-to-day operations while also helping him optimize the company. Despite this, I am still referred to as an 'entry-level staff' and am constantly asked to improve my performance and do better. I am paid on an hourly basis, and if I work too many hours, I get called out for it. Conversely, if I don’t work enough hours, I get called out for not finishing projects. This has led to me working weekends and logging less time than I actually worked for about two months now.

Recently, a new rule was introduced stating that I have to complete any planned tasks within a week and am not allowed to push them back, even if it means working weekends. I am feeling incredibly overwhelmed, and I am not sure if this is normal or if I am being taken advantage of. I am contemplating asking to be switched back to casual staff so I can look for a new job while still earning a living because, as a full-time employee, I don't have time to even think about it. However, I have read some threads on Reddit where people say it's a bad idea to switch to casual staff because you lose all the benefits, even though the only benefit I am losing here is paid leave.

Is this situation normal, or am I being exploited? Is it a bad idea to switch back to casual staff under these circumstances? Should I try to talk it out? Thank you so much for your time and any advice you can offer.

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