
Should I contact the labor board?

I quit an awful job at the beginning of summer, and I did not receive a paycheck on my regularly scheduled direct deposit. Four days later, I contact my former employer, who said I can get the paycheck once I return the uniform shirt. Car broke, so I was without transportation to do so, but about 1.5 months later I receive a check in the mail with a $50 deduction marked for the uniform, which I was never informed about. (I have all the receipts over text and saved voice messages).I texted my former employer and told that I believe this is not legal and cited the law in PA, to which they caved and said they would give me $50 back if I return it now. However, they are generally a very exploitative and awful employer, so I am wondering if I should just fold and take the $50,…

I quit an awful job at the beginning of summer, and I did not receive a paycheck on my regularly scheduled direct deposit. Four days later, I contact my former employer, who said I can get the paycheck once I return the uniform shirt. Car broke, so I was without transportation to do so, but about 1.5 months later I receive a check in the mail with a $50 deduction marked for the uniform, which I was never informed about. (I have all the receipts over text and saved voice messages).I texted my former employer and told that I believe this is not legal and cited the law in PA, to which they caved and said they would give me $50 back if I return it now. However, they are generally a very exploitative and awful employer, so I am wondering if I should just fold and take the $50, or go to the board and have them looked into so they don’t try this with other employees who may not be aware of these laws.

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