
Should I game the system to get back at terrible management?

So I have quite a few issues with my work. I’m a worker at a 60-year old pool facility with horrible safety management. Everyday something breaks in the filter room. Chlorine levels are constantly too high and filters stop working, people shit in the pool and all they do is put a band-aid on it. We run out of drinking water and they tell us to drink from the 60-year old taps that haven’t been serviced ever. We work long rotations in the blistering heat and there’s no way to cool down other than hopping in the pool and drenching ourselves. My manager here is also incredibly shitty and constantly cuts our shifts so that she can go home early. We miss out on money, even though we are willing to clean the shitty-ass facility. We get constant complaints it’s a disgusting facility, yet our manager takes away our ability…

So I have quite a few issues with my work. I’m a worker at a 60-year old pool facility with horrible safety management. Everyday something breaks in the filter room. Chlorine levels are constantly too high and filters stop working, people shit in the pool and all they do is put a band-aid on it. We run out of drinking water and they tell us to drink from the 60-year old taps that haven’t been serviced ever. We work long rotations in the blistering heat and there’s no way to cool down other than hopping in the pool and drenching ourselves.

My manager here is also incredibly shitty and constantly cuts our shifts so that she can go home early. We miss out on money, even though we are willing to clean the shitty-ass facility. We get constant complaints it’s a disgusting facility, yet our manager takes away our ability to try and change that. She also gives everyone else with extra work and lessons that SHE should be doing, but pawns off on us.

Basically, what I’m getting at, is that I’m pissed and tired. I’m 2nd in seniority after my manager and I’ve accrued a hundred or so hours of sick pay hours that I’ve never used. I recently got a flat $6 raise because of how much time I’ve been with the company (gov’t company). Meaning, I can call in sick and still get paid my full wage I’m scheduled for. I could theoretically do this for like 3 weeks straight and just collect my free money.

I’m sick of being a floormat to the higher ups, and I’d like to passively aggressively benefit off of them (they would have to figure out a replacement for me while I’m “sick”). Anyone know a good way I could go about using all these sick pay hours I have without it sparking suspicion?

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