
Should I leave my work, second week in, if I’m not certain I’d find another one?

This requires an explanation. I have started working at an alehouse last week. When I talked with the boss over the phone it seemed he had a vision for this place, and I was immediately sold. I have some experience as a bartender, I consider myself polite, meticulous and good with people. With my help, I hoped, this place could once again return to what it was. I accepted this “ambitious” undertaking, and started working there last week. Immediately off the bat I realized something was wrong. There were almost no customers. Odd guest here or there, but sometimes a whole day would pass without a single guest. Then there was the fact they only had one employee (prior to me), and she was working BOTH kitchen and bar for nearly a year, completely alone. Even worse, boss called her stupid and incompetent (both to her face and behind her…

This requires an explanation. I have started working at an alehouse last week. When I talked with the boss over the phone it seemed he had a vision for this place, and I was immediately sold. I have some experience as a bartender, I consider myself polite, meticulous and good with people. With my help, I hoped, this place could once again return to what it was.

I accepted this “ambitious” undertaking, and started working there last week. Immediately off the bat I realized something was wrong. There were almost no customers. Odd guest here or there, but sometimes a whole day would pass without a single guest. Then there was the fact they only had one employee (prior to me), and she was working BOTH kitchen and bar for nearly a year, completely alone. Even worse, boss called her stupid and incompetent (both to her face and behind her back), and I’ve heard stories other employees have left because of his mobbing.

For example, one employee, let’s call her Brenda, was extremely furious at his treatment so she literally drank his alcohol on the work and left home. The way he told me before I even heard about this from my colleague, she was a drunkard who drank 100 euro worth of drinks from his fridge.
Another one was a soldier, so she was somewhat brash and stern, yet even she was a target of his bullying. He would berate her for her “manliness” etc. She also left.

Another guy worked at his second company, he’s the sweetest guy I have ever met. He left his job to work in call center, that explains a lot.
This is what his former employees left for, and I was instantly suspicious. He is very base, constantly swearing, catcalling minors on the street, altogether the worst kind of person you could imagine.

With all that in mind I continued working. I am able to separate work from personal life, and when I’m behind the bar the only thing important are customers. I don’t care about bosses behavior as long as he does not infringe on my rights.

This is where the first major red flag came in. I learned he has his workplace cameras connected to his home and he is constantly spying on the workplace.

Yesterday it was a hot day so I turned on AC and closed the door. 15 minutes later he called to tell me I should turn AC off and sit on the terrace if I’m too hot inside.

I managed to somehow brush it off, still giving my best at the job. Today I came in early since he decided to change the working shift on a fly, I cleaned up the terrace and set the tables.
Ten minutes in his wife comes in and starts yelling at me because the terrace is dirty. Apparently wind carried a trash there, and I did not see it on time and this was enough reason for her to berate me.

I worry, if this continues, it will only escalate and get worse. The problem is, I don’t have any job in reserve and I’m penniless. Should I just abandon this ship before it sinks, or tough it out, at least until I find something new?

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