
Should I let my boss know they need to rearrange my disciplinary?

I triggered a limit (or whatever they call it) in the system because I've had 3 days off sick in the past 12 months. Once was from injuring my knee, once from having norovirus (and I'm a food handler), and once a couple weeks back from having a migraine. All completely unrelated to each other and spaced out over 10months Management explained that they need to do an investigation into why I'm getting sick so much. (Spoiler alert, it's because I'm a human being). They arranged it for Wednesday next week. By their regulations, it has to take place when I'm rota'd on with big boss. Then another coworker has a funeral on a day they were working and asked me to switch a shift. I agreed and left it up to her/management to pick which one to move around. They changed Wednesday, but haven't updated the disciplinary time. I…

I triggered a limit (or whatever they call it) in the system because I've had 3 days off sick in the past 12 months. Once was from injuring my knee, once from having norovirus (and I'm a food handler), and once a couple weeks back from having a migraine. All completely unrelated to each other and spaced out over 10months

Management explained that they need to do an investigation into why I'm getting sick so much. (Spoiler alert, it's because I'm a human being).

They arranged it for Wednesday next week. By their regulations, it has to take place when I'm rota'd on with big boss. Then another coworker has a funeral on a day they were working and asked me to switch a shift. I agreed and left it up to her/management to pick which one to move around. They changed Wednesday, but haven't updated the disciplinary time.

I didn't realise until way after they changed it, and now I don't know if I should bother letting them know. Either I tell them and it changes and I have to do it, or I come in on my day off to do it (and clock in because no way I'm doing it unpaid).

I've done one before years back, where my boss at the time hated how condescending it was and literally ran through the questions which were like 'are you planning on being sick again?' 'is there anything management can do to support you so you aren't sick again?' etc so I'm not concerned about it. I know it's just part of head office micromanaging and it ending up being silly paperwork.

What would you do in this situation?

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