I recently took some time off work due to burnout, but have to return to work soon. During my time off, I honestly felt like a burden was taken off my shoulders. I started cooking healthy, homemade meals, gave more attention to the people in my life (I was barely giving them anything, not even texts), bought a book to read and am getting more than 4 hours of sleep a night. I am starting to feel like myself again and am not depressed or crying every night anymore because I am actually enjoying life and each day that goes by. I had a gut feeling that my job was the main thing causing stress and anxiety in my life and when I immediately removed it from my life, the stress and anxiety was nearly gone.
However, I am dreading going back to work. I know that I am privileged to just have a job at all in this economy, but this job is literally killing me to the point of affecting my physical and mental health. I don't know if I should quit and sacrifice the amount of money I'd be giving up because I don't have another job lined up just yet. I could probably float myself for a month or two. Luckily, I am active networking and applying to jobs. It's just that things are slower right now in the job market, which makes me hesitant to quit. What should I do?