
Should I quit now or wait…

About a month ago, I shared my story in here about how messed up my family business is. Today, it got worse – my dad told the head of manufacturing that I work for that fool instead of him. I rarely see eye to eye with this coworker. He calls me at 11pm to tell me what he's doing, to help him find my dad a question that he should know the answer to, and to torture me in general. I get into work at a reasonable hour, but he decides to come in at 5pm and expects me to work with him, asking me to work on physically exerting work at 7pm or later. This means that I will now need to work 16 hours a day and get paid crap for the privilege. 🤯 Now that my dad did this, I bet this individual is beyond excited about…

About a month ago, I shared my story in here about how messed up my family business is. Today, it got worse – my dad told the head of manufacturing that I work for that fool instead of him.

I rarely see eye to eye with this coworker. He calls me at 11pm to tell me what he's doing, to help him find my dad a question that he should know the answer to, and to torture me in general. I get into work at a reasonable hour, but he decides to come in at 5pm and expects me to work with him, asking me to work on physically exerting work at 7pm or later. This means that I will now need to work 16 hours a day and get paid crap for the privilege. 🤯

Now that my dad did this, I bet this individual is beyond excited about this proclamation. At least in the past, I could pass on certain things due to my CTS or other health issues, but now I need to be this guy's slave.

I expressed my concerns yet again telling him now more than ever he needs me to work on sales (I have connections from previous jobs that I could leverage to win some sizeable deals which he conveniently forgets), marketing (our current collateral is meh and our website hasn't been updated for a long time), or product management (our software is crap on countless levels since it was designed by our CTO who is a good tinkerer but not a good PM / developer). Once again, my dad said that he doesn't need any of that, but he needs help in manufacturing.

Even though I am actively working on other things, they are moving slowly since it's summertime, but I am at the point where I want to file for disability for my wrists (they really hurt) because I know the manufacturing head is going to ruin them or I should simply quit.

The odd thing is my dad also told me he thinks the guy who has been trying to sell our products whonis based in another state may want to buy the company (for pennies on the dollar) which puts me in an even worse situation since the guy doesn't know me and I don't want to be stuck doing manufacturing if that happens. This could supposedly happen in the next 6 months.

What should I do here? All I know is that I can't take much more of this. My dad effectively threw me under the bus, and I am beyond pissed at this point.

Thanks in advance.

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