
Should i still work long hours now that I have gotten promoted and earn way more?

Context: I went into a tech startup straight out of college and worked my ass off spending above 12-15 hours a day at the office working until around 11 PM every night and really sacrificing my personal, social, mental, physical health. I always used to think negatively about the senior people in the office that I felt were not working as hard as me and contributing less than me, but earning over 10x the amount that I was. Fast forward to a few years later, after jumping jobs a few times, I am earning just as much as they are (i guess i am lucky to get accelerated pretty quickly) and still working hard but definitely not as much as i was before. My mindset has shifted to definitely have a healthier relationship with work but now i feel a bit guilty as if I am being a hypocrite to…

Context: I went into a tech startup straight out of college and worked my ass off spending above 12-15 hours a day at the office working until around 11 PM every night and really sacrificing my personal, social, mental, physical health. I always used to think negatively about the senior people in the office that I felt were not working as hard as me and contributing less than me, but earning over 10x the amount that I was.

Fast forward to a few years later, after jumping jobs a few times, I am earning just as much as they are (i guess i am lucky to get accelerated pretty quickly) and still working hard but definitely not as much as i was before.

My mindset has shifted to definitely have a healthier relationship with work but now i feel a bit guilty as if I am being a hypocrite to my past values just cuz i ‘made it’ already. As if I am turning my back to what got me here in the first place.

Am i a hypocrite or was my younger self just brainwashed?

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