
Should I submit this?

I have written a letter to my management about a ride at my theme park that is falling apart. I’m not sure how reasonable it sounds. I’m just upset that they expect me to operate a ride that is unsafe. I’m not sure I should send it because what if they fire me for speaking up? I’m autistic and I’m not sure if I sound rude tonally. I’ve been dissatisfied with many things and it has made me not enjoy this job anymore. Thoughts? Help? Here it is: Dear Leadership Team, I have let this bother me for too long and as someone focused on safety, I have no choice but to speak up and make sure the issues at (ride name redacted) are corrected. I refuse to operate (ride) until the doors and the seat have been officially resolved. According to the (operating procedures) the ride should not be…

I have written a letter to my management about a ride at my theme park that is falling apart. I’m not sure how reasonable it sounds. I’m just upset that they expect me to operate a ride that is unsafe. I’m not sure I should send it because what if they fire me for speaking up? I’m autistic and I’m not sure if I sound rude tonally. I’ve been dissatisfied with many things and it has made me not enjoy this job anymore. Thoughts? Help? Here it is:

Dear Leadership Team,

I have let this bother me for too long and as someone focused on safety, I have no choice but to speak up and make sure the issues at (ride name redacted) are corrected. I refuse to operate (ride) until the doors and the seat have been officially resolved. According to the (operating procedures) the ride should not be in operation if the ride vehicles are not in working order. Why have “check the train doors” as part of the operating procedure when the doors do not consistently lock? Why check the front seat of the (ride vehicle) in the morning when I know it’s unsafe to load? Having issues with 3 out of 5 cars should be a tip off that the entire ride shouldn’t be operating. If one of the exterior gates failed to lock, would you still allow the ride to operate and, if not, why is it any different when the doors on the actual (ride vehicle) fail?

I understand that the new (ride vehicle) is being put together but with the state of the current (ride vehicle), I ask why it needs to be operating in this sorry state of disrepair? I wouldn’t feel comfortable allowing my own children riding (ride name redacted) so why are we allowing hundreds of children too? I have submitted a safety share and I cannot think of anything else in my power that I am able to do to rectify this situation other than urge you in the name of safety to shut (ride name redacted) down until it is either fixed or replaced. I know this sounds harsh but I don’t mean any malice with my sentiments, I simply desire more for this park and the people in it.

With how much we are clamping down on presentation, we should be equally cognizant of the rides as we are the operators. Full disclosure: I did try to contact members of leadership and maintenance about these issues before but no real change has come about. I want this to be a place I am proud of and I’m having trouble drumming that feeling up when, frequently, issues like these are allowed to persist far too long.


(My name)

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