
Should my manager ask before scheduling me on for a double shift?

Not sure if this is the right sub for this. I work an intense fast food job as a supervisor. I find the work overwhelming and the hours are so irregular I've been struggling to sleep. I'm scheduled for an 11am-4.30pm and then 5.30pm -10.15pm. They also often schedule a night shift and then morning the next day. This week after my double I have a morning shift the next day. My sister, who has worked in fast food, says they're taking advantage of me. Apparently they have to ask before scheduling me on a double, and they shouldn't be doing back to back night-morning shifts. Is this true? I struggle to stand up for myself but if my sister is right I'll talk to them.

Not sure if this is the right sub for this. I work an intense fast food job as a supervisor. I find the work overwhelming and the hours are so irregular I've been struggling to sleep.
I'm scheduled for an 11am-4.30pm and then 5.30pm -10.15pm. They also often schedule a night shift and then morning the next day. This week after my double I have a morning shift the next day.
My sister, who has worked in fast food, says they're taking advantage of me. Apparently they have to ask before scheduling me on a double, and they shouldn't be doing back to back night-morning shifts. Is this true? I struggle to stand up for myself but if my sister is right I'll talk to them.

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