
Sick employee

Hi. We currently have someone at work who is obviously sick, coughing, sniffing, hacking. It’s disgusting, least of all because we work with food. Yesterday I asked our manager to tell the guy to put a mask on AT LEAST, because whatever he’s got, I don’t want it. Unfortunately my manager is absolutely useless and said he would but didn’t. Am I within my rights to say either he puts a mask on or goes home, or I’m going home? I really don’t want to get sick, and it doesn’t seem fair that this grub is here spreading his germs around and no one is willing to tell him it’s not ok

Hi. We currently have someone at work who is obviously sick, coughing, sniffing, hacking. It’s disgusting, least of all because we work with food. Yesterday I asked our manager to tell the guy to put a mask on AT LEAST, because whatever he’s got, I don’t want it. Unfortunately my manager is absolutely useless and said he would but didn’t. Am I within my rights to say either he puts a mask on or goes home, or I’m going home? I really don’t want to get sick, and it doesn’t seem fair that this grub is here spreading his germs around and no one is willing to tell him it’s not ok

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