
Sick leave options

Hey guys, first time poster here but long time lurker. My husband has been working part time at Rite Aid and has been dealing with a lot of health issues that are still being diagnosed. They cause him to be dizzy and fatigued and he has exhausted his PTO. Work knows he's sick but told him he can't take more days off so he goes in when he is scheduled but clocks out early because he has basically fainted at work or has had a nosebleed that won't stop etc. He tried to reduce his hours (he asked for 2 days a week for 4 hours each) but they are short staffed and they have him back on his old hours when he was healthier (3 days a week for 8 hours each). They also make snide comments about how he would have been fired if they weren't short staffed.…

Hey guys, first time poster here but long time lurker. My husband has been working part time at Rite Aid and has been dealing with a lot of health issues that are still being diagnosed. They cause him to be dizzy and fatigued and he has exhausted his PTO. Work knows he's sick but told him he can't take more days off so he goes in when he is scheduled but clocks out early because he has basically fainted at work or has had a nosebleed that won't stop etc. He tried to reduce his hours (he asked for 2 days a week for 4 hours each) but they are short staffed and they have him back on his old hours when he was healthier (3 days a week for 8 hours each). They also make snide comments about how he would have been fired if they weren't short staffed.

Is there any kind of extended sick leave he can apply for? Or is the only recourse to quit? It feels odd that there is no provision in place for sickness like this. If needed he can provide doctor's notes, but they haven't asked.

Edit: this is in Oregon, US.

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