This is both hilarious and sad.
I signed a contract that I worked hard for to get. Fair pay, 25 days off, insurance, fixed salary (as in, I am a salaried employee), very strict overtime rules. It was something I fought for at my current job as the previous contract was garbage. Sounds great, no?
Fast-forward literally a week, I am informing work about my intent to take a few days off so I can rest, as I am sick. Basically, I am doing them a favor, since I am using my own days to take sick leave – though then again, I loathe having to go through the process of “proving you are ill”.
Well, I get hit with the following:
- You're a freelancer! You get paid per day.
- You have no paid days off, nor holidays, nor weekends. Any day not worked is deducted from pay.
- If you're sick that's your problem.
- What contract?
Man oh man. I've had my grievances with work already, but now they are trying to deny me what they have signed off on themselves. Thankfully there is not much they can do besides fraud – they can mess with the data but I have certain rights that they probably should not mess with, or it will bite them in the ass.
Mostly though, I am just baffled! You signed this fucking contract, you can't reneg on it like that. Possibly this person is just genuinely stupid? I am not sure, but if they keep using this weird belief that they never signed this contract to deny me my rights, we are going to have a bad time. Mostly – they are going to have a bad time. Where I live there are very strict laws surrounding paid time off, and if they deny me those, they are liable in court.
I really am not sure what game they are trying to play, but it is beyond stupid.
Also, yes, I am looking for other work. Tired of working for a place that won't even offer me basic decency. Thanks to the contract, I finally get paid on time, on the 25th – but before that, they were continuously up to a week late with salary. Nearly every month. When I asked why, I got some crap about how they are waiting for money from their owner company. Well, that is not my problem lol.
TL;DR: Yeah uh, I hate my job