
Simple IRA-is my previous employer being shady?

Hi all, I looked online at the Simple IRA Vanguard account that was set up by my previous employer, the total amount I have in the account looks extremely low and there are months that are not showing contributions…8 or 9 months are missing from 2021 & 2022 combined (not showing as being contributed to on specific months.) I brought this to his attention last year the first time I noticed something looked wrong. The forms were filed late by him and/or his accountant and there were no contributions shown for the first half of 2021. Then some contributions began showing beginning in June 2021. I contacted his accountant again today, and sent him a PDF of the tax form Simple 5305 with both of our signatures and the contribution information. My previous employer is a multi-millionaire that tries to find every way possible not to spend money unless it…

Hi all,

I looked online at the Simple IRA Vanguard account that was set up by my previous employer, the total amount I have in the account looks extremely low and there are months that are not showing contributions…8 or 9 months are missing from 2021 & 2022 combined (not showing as being contributed to on specific months.) I brought this to his attention last year the first time I noticed something looked wrong. The forms were filed late by him and/or his accountant and there were no contributions shown for the first half of 2021. Then some contributions began showing beginning in June 2021.

I contacted his accountant again today, and sent him a PDF of the tax form Simple 5305 with both of our signatures and the contribution information. My previous employer is a multi-millionaire that tries to find every way possible not to spend money unless it benefits himself or his family. The account was supposed to be in lieu of a raise during the pandemic (It's BS. I should have quit and found another job.)

How can I tell if something is shady or that he is trying to get away with not contributing? What are my options to handle the situation?

TL;DR: I think my previous employer didn't contribute to my Simple IRA as promised. How can I tell and what are my options if I am owed money?

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