
Sit the fuck down!

Can we organize some kind of movement to get retail chains to finally give their workers the right to sit down? Yesterday I was yelled at by my manager to not sit down if there are customers in the store… It's disgusting that most stores (besides Aldi, which is German-owned) don't let their employees sit down. It's absurd at this point. I've been to Europe and South America; not once did I see a cashier that didn't have a stool or a chair. We've let this go on long enough. What can we do to put pressure on retail to give retail workers this right?

Can we organize some kind of movement to get retail chains to finally give their workers the right to sit down? Yesterday I was yelled at by my manager to not sit down if there are customers in the store… It's disgusting that most stores (besides Aldi, which is German-owned) don't let their employees sit down. It's absurd at this point. I've been to Europe and South America; not once did I see a cashier that didn't have a stool or a chair. We've let this go on long enough. What can we do to put pressure on retail to give retail workers this right?

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