
Skilled vs unskilled labor

Why do I keep seeing people who want to fight about what is or isn't skilled labor? If you have to learn something to do the job, it's a skill isn't it? Which would be every job ever correct? I get it is really hard to realize you've been drinking the koolaid the rich fed you starting as a child so that you would automatically find others to look down upon when you should be joining together. If you think a job is unskilled because you can “learn it in a few hours,” which is already bogus because you don't get good at anything that fast, but anyways, if that is your view, please tell me: where is the cutoff between skilled and unskilled? How many hours exactly does someone need to spend learning before it magically turns to “skilled?” Because the elite have a skill too. It's making the…

Why do I keep seeing people who want to fight about what is or isn't skilled labor? If you have to learn something to do the job, it's a skill isn't it? Which would be every job ever correct? I get it is really hard to realize you've been drinking the koolaid the rich fed you starting as a child so that you would automatically find others to look down upon when you should be joining together.

If you think a job is unskilled because you can “learn it in a few hours,” which is already bogus because you don't get good at anything that fast, but anyways, if that is your view, please tell me: where is the cutoff between skilled and unskilled? How many hours exactly does someone need to spend learning before it magically turns to “skilled?”

Because the elite have a skill too. It's making the working class fight amongst themselves over things like race and skilled vs unskilled (or abortion or trans rights and on and on) so they won't realize they're all being screwed and should band together. And they've been honing it for centuries.

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