
Small or Big- all companies suck

I have been burned by a big company i.e used to cover people's jobs and then fired/lied to. Now i work for a very small company and its disguising the owners flaunting their little wealth to their employees and deeming their workers. For example, overheard the boss that he wont even provide water for his employees and only does is when one of his top worker forced him and pesters him to buy little things for the office. This is a rant but also had an amazing interview with a much bigger company and now I am scared to jump ship in this economy… This place is garbage but why am I scared?

I have been burned by a big company i.e used to cover people's jobs and then fired/lied to. Now i work for a very small company and its disguising the owners flaunting their little wealth to their employees and deeming their workers. For example, overheard the boss that he wont even provide water for his employees and only does is when one of his top worker forced him and pesters him to buy little things for the office.

This is a rant but also had an amazing interview with a much bigger company and now I am scared to jump ship in this economy… This place is garbage but why am I scared?

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