
So 5/7 of our time is supposed to be wasted away?

Like, we are supposed to ignore and not appreciate our existence, the life around us, and waste 40 hours a week for the possibility that our job barely allows us to live? Or even if it does, we need to constantly (depending on the card we have been dealt as well) be grinding away a good 5 years of our twenties to achieve that engineering, doctor, lawyer, etc job? I remember when I first turned twenty I remember being so uncertain. Then I finally chose something and it still feels like my life lacks meaning.

Like, we are supposed to ignore and not appreciate our existence, the life around us, and waste 40 hours a week for the possibility that our job barely allows us to live? Or even if it does, we need to constantly (depending on the card we have been dealt as well) be grinding away a good 5 years of our twenties to achieve that engineering, doctor, lawyer, etc job?

I remember when I first turned twenty I remember being so uncertain. Then I finally chose something and it still feels like my life lacks meaning.

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