
So apparently I stirred up some shit when I was talking about wages.

Last Saturday I was talking to the kitchen staff at my workplace, and they were lamenting how they only get $15 an hour ( despite one of them being there 3 years ), and how housekeeping has it even worse at $13.50 an hour. I said “Fucking what? I was hired at $20 an hour just three months ago ( I'm in maintenance ). You're getting screwed.” Apparently that conversation made it all the way to my supervisor who talked to me this morning about it. I then learned that I make more than pretty much everyone except the department heads…which I am not one myself. He then asked me not to talk about it again with anyone. I know that's illegal, so I agreed only to avoid getting needled more about it. He also said he “handled it”, but I'm curious as to what he meant by that. I…

Last Saturday I was talking to the kitchen staff at my workplace, and they were lamenting how they only get $15 an hour ( despite one of them being there 3 years ), and how housekeeping has it even worse at $13.50 an hour. I said “Fucking what? I was hired at $20 an hour just three months ago ( I'm in maintenance ). You're getting screwed.” Apparently that conversation made it all the way to my supervisor who talked to me this morning about it. I then learned that I make more than pretty much everyone except the department heads…which I am not one myself. He then asked me not to talk about it again with anyone. I know that's illegal, so I agreed only to avoid getting needled more about it. He also said he “handled it”, but I'm curious as to what he meant by that.

I hope I kick-started something that benefits everyone else.

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