
So basically I was told this will be my last working day.

Here’s a preface. I’m going to college for IT and software development. I work three days a week during term, 4 during break. I’ve done absolutely everything possible to make my bills as low or nonexistent as possible to accommodate less working more studying. Past couple weeks the boss has been harping on dresscode. I technically break dress code because even though I’m still wearing black slacks, they have pockets(the extra cargo kind). The only pair of non pocket slacks I own are my dress pants for funerals and weddings. I mentioned I’ve gotten my bills down as far as humanely possible, without too much detail that comes out to $1200 a month. I make $100 a day if I go through a full shift. So during break I will make $1600 a month but during term I only make $1200. Off term is meant to either save up for…

Here’s a preface. I’m going to college for IT and software development. I work three days a week during term, 4 during break. I’ve done absolutely everything possible to make my bills as low or nonexistent as possible to accommodate less working more studying.

Past couple weeks the boss has been harping on dresscode. I technically break dress code because even though I’m still wearing black slacks, they have pockets(the extra cargo kind). The only pair of non pocket slacks I own are my dress pants for funerals and weddings.

I mentioned I’ve gotten my bills down as far as humanely possible, without too much detail that comes out to $1200 a month. I make $100 a day if I go through a full shift. So during break I will make $1600 a month but during term I only make $1200. Off term is meant to either save up for the term or take care of things like my rotting teeth.

The boss has done this before, but then I was able to sit him down and explain all of this and he let me go, I guess it helped we were short staffed and needed all the help he could get. We are still short staffed, but sales are down so the company thinks maybe it can do with less help? Anyway we are back to dress code and the boss directly stating that if after today anyone comes in not in full dress code they will be sent home.

So this means next week I can either work on getting my teeth fixed or getting new pants. I also promise taking care of this pain in my teeth is a lot more important than this dead end retail job. So starting next week I’ll be coming into work for at most an hour before being sent home. So todays shift is my looking at indeed to find another part time crappy job to help me survive until I can do something with this IT education. God please just kill me.

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