
So, does anyone know how the value of the US dollar is even calculated?

I mean seriously, please don't tell me the value is determined by supply and demand alone. If that is roughly the case, has anyone in history ever suggested we decide to value a currency based on the economics of items required to not die? The response I always hear when questions come up about the government giving bailouts to banks, or government trying to work around malicious corporations during times of inflation, and so much more is something to the effect of “well that's just the way it works.” Last time I heard that was in response to a comment about the lack of reasonable attainability of housing, vehicles, and higher education. I responded with “what if when corporations decide to turn the necessities of life into investment projects, explicitly and openly attempting to make a profit off the desperation of the people, the government just says no,” only to…

I mean seriously, please don't tell me the value is determined by supply and demand alone. If that is roughly the case, has anyone in history ever suggested we decide to value a currency based on the economics of items required to not die? The response I always hear when questions come up about the government giving bailouts to banks, or government trying to work around malicious corporations during times of inflation, and so much more is something to the effect of “well that's just the way it works.” Last time I heard that was in response to a comment about the lack of reasonable attainability of housing, vehicles, and higher education. I responded with “what if when corporations decide to turn the necessities of life into investment projects, explicitly and openly attempting to make a profit off the desperation of the people, the government just says no,” only to again be hit with “that's not how capitalism works,” and when I ask “so then why don't we use a different system then?,” I was blasted with defenses of capitalism that mostly consisted of blasting all the big bad nations that committed genocides and claiming western European systems are ideal yet impossible here, and then that actually anything to do with central planning is literally Stalinism/Maoism. I felt like Patrick suggesting we take the economy and push it somewhere else lmao.

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