
So how do I tell my boss that WFH is going to get harder for me without a home?

I’ve been WFH since before the pandemic with the same company, but pay hasn’t kept up. With a rise in rent, I’m about to be homeless in about a month. Plans A-G fell through and I’m running out of ideas. Last time I asked for a raise, my boss said she only gives out “merit based raises” and I had to fight for a CoL raise that I only got after telling her I’d leave if I didn’t get one. Still tried to leave, but had a massive medical emergency that put me on leave for months. Still stuck at the same place, worse health, and less likely to get that raise which probably wouldn’t even secure me a new apartment around here anyway. Looking more likely that I’ll have to stay with my parents, who already take care of my sister who’s going on year 3 of unemployment. Makes…

I’ve been WFH since before the pandemic with the same company, but pay hasn’t kept up. With a rise in rent, I’m about to be homeless in about a month. Plans A-G fell through and I’m running out of ideas. Last time I asked for a raise, my boss said she only gives out “merit based raises” and I had to fight for a CoL raise that I only got after telling her I’d leave if I didn’t get one. Still tried to leave, but had a massive medical emergency that put me on leave for months. Still stuck at the same place, worse health, and less likely to get that raise which probably wouldn’t even secure me a new apartment around here anyway.

Looking more likely that I’ll have to stay with my parents, who already take care of my sister who’s going on year 3 of unemployment. Makes me wonder why I tried so hard if the two of us are in the same position. Except she gets a door and I get the floor.

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