
So tired of working in the food industry and being paid garbage

I make barely enough money to get by. It's honestly pathetic how I've never made above 10 bucks an hour. I have tried to get my ged but right now it's just not possible for me. I have a long history of trauma that I will not get into. When it comes to working it's easier for me because usually there is a routine with specific tasks that I can learn how to do quickly. With school it's more difficult since I frequently have to switch gears. And trust me, I have tried. I don't need anyone telling me i need to try harder. Now, I do to some degree like working. It has a routine as I stated, and it gets me up and moving which keeps me from laying in bed all day. For a while I was okay with not making that much money. (I'm 19 now)…

I make barely enough money to get by. It's honestly pathetic how I've never made above 10 bucks an hour. I have tried to get my ged but right now it's just not possible for me. I have a long history of trauma that I will not get into. When it comes to working it's easier for me because usually there is a routine with specific tasks that I can learn how to do quickly. With school it's more difficult since I frequently have to switch gears. And trust me, I have tried. I don't need anyone telling me i need to try harder.

Now, I do to some degree like working. It has a routine as I stated, and it gets me up and moving which keeps me from laying in bed all day. For a while I was okay with not making that much money. (I'm 19 now) I started working when I was like 16 ish.

But now as I'm older and thinking about renting an apartment I keep realizing it is literally not possible unless I find a job that would miraculously pay a high-school dropout an actual livable wage.

I feel so hopeless right now. I hate it. I don't even care if I would have to work the food industry for the rest of my life driving myself insane as long as I'd get paid enough so I could pay my rent and maybe be able to afford a couple wants instead of needs here and there.

Why is it that people who are the backbones of food service get treated so terribly, and paid pathetic wages? Surely these companies make enough to pay their employees enough? I'm just so frustrated right now.

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