
Solidarity Means Solidarity, No Exceptions!

We've gotta stop falling for the pervasive lie that there are some working-class people who cannot be allies to the cause. A grandfather working two jobs to pay rent for his shitty apartment isn't a privileged Boomer. A mechanic working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in a red state isn't your enemy. The shift manager at your local coffee shop who makes $2/hour more than the kids he supervises isn't a “boss” in nearly the same way that the CEO running that company is. An office worker with a college degree making $15/hour isn't a complacent middle-class liberal. Or shit, maybe they are! But they're also a worker being exploited and underpaid just likeyou, and building community, building solidarity, means engaging, with good intent and kindness, with people you might not like on a personal level. If you only want the revolution to benefit people like you,…

We've gotta stop falling for the pervasive lie that there are some working-class people who cannot be allies to the cause. A grandfather working two jobs to pay rent for his shitty apartment isn't a privileged Boomer. A mechanic working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in a red state isn't your enemy. The shift manager at your local coffee shop who makes $2/hour more than the kids he supervises isn't a “boss” in nearly the same way that the CEO running that company is. An office worker with a college degree making $15/hour isn't a complacent middle-class liberal. Or shit, maybe they are! But they're also a worker being exploited and underpaid just likeyou, and building community, building solidarity, means engaging, with good intent and kindness, with people you might not like on a personal level. If you only want the revolution to benefit people like you, you're no better than the bourgeois pigs we've got in power now. Solidarity forever, for everyone. Even the worst person you know deserves human rights.

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