
Some stories of my work experiences

Just thought I would share some of the crap I have put up with being employed. At my first job (retail) I was told by Management that I had to work most holidays “…because you don't have kids and everyone else does so they should be off.” Well no I didn't have kids but I still had a family. At my 2nd job (corrections) it was a very toxic work environment. Firstly, it was mandatory overtime. You could be getting ready to leave and a Supervisor would say, “Someone called in, you're hit” and you had to stay another 4 or even 8 hours. 16 hour shifts were common. Never knew if you were going to stay 8, 12, or 16 hours when you went in for a shift so planning anything outside of work was impossible. I got on the bad side of the higher ups because I made…

Just thought I would share some of the crap I have put up with being employed.

At my first job (retail) I was told by Management that I had to work most holidays “…because you don't have kids and everyone else does so they should be off.” Well no I didn't have kids but I still had a family.

At my 2nd job (corrections) it was a very toxic work environment. Firstly, it was mandatory overtime. You could be getting ready to leave and a Supervisor would say, “Someone called in, you're hit” and you had to stay another 4 or even 8 hours. 16 hour shifts were common. Never knew if you were going to stay 8, 12, or 16 hours when you went in for a shift so planning anything outside of work was impossible. I got on the bad side of the higher ups because I made it known that I did not like overtime and was picked on and harassed for it. Once, a Corporal in front of the Lieutenant, (highest ranking Officer) told me “I'll fire your ass”. The Lieutenant did nothing about it.

They also tried to prevent you from calling in sick. Once I tried to call in sick because I wasn't feeling up to going into work that shift and the Supervisor told me “You can't call in sick because we are already short for the shift.”

That is just a few of the standout moments.

All of these experiences made me realize that I did not have to put up with jobs like this. My current job still has it's issues but it is far better than what I had before. Moral of the story, don't put up with crap. If you hate your job so much that it gives you anxiety and makes you sick, get out. Find something better.

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