

In May I asked my boss, GM of Southern Air of Louisiana, about reviews and raises because I had found out some of the new hires were making more than my coworkers (to include my husband) who had been there for at least a year and more. The GM was rude (I mean honestly, I probably was too) telling me he will do reviews and raises when he's ready to, I said it was unfair that the new hires are coming in at a higher rate of pay and those currently working for the company can't even get a review and pay raise. He demanded to know where I got my information and I told him through conversation with the new hires while myself and the other CSR’s were training them. After that conversation a few day later he pulled me into his office to have a conversation, here is…

In May I asked my boss, GM of Southern Air of Louisiana, about reviews and raises because I had found out some of the new hires were making more than my coworkers (to include my husband) who had been there for at least a year and more. The GM was rude (I mean honestly, I probably was too) telling me he will do reviews and raises when he's ready to, I said it was unfair that the new hires are coming in at a higher rate of pay and those currently working for the company can't even get a review and pay raise. He demanded to know where I got my information and I told him through conversation with the new hires while myself and the other CSR’s were training them. After that conversation a few day later he pulled me into his office to have a conversation, here is that conversation. For context, two separate employees had told me their pay, he’s saying he talked to them and they said they didn’t and someone was lying kind of implying I’m the liar and I somehow got the information illegally. I explained I had received my information directly from them and that’s when he told me we can’t discuss pay. There is another manager in the office as well during this conversation, she is the Co-manager.

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