
Spamming exploitative jobs

Did you know you can use ChatGPT to crank out solid resumes with minimal effort for pretty much any role? It sure would be a shame if every bored r/antiwork stan started mass applying to unpaid internships or critical roles at socially and environmentally damaging companies while feigning extremely plausible qualifications. IANAL, but to my understanding, there's no law against nonsense resumes and interviews for private employers. Up until a contract is signed a fair degree of BS is tolerated if not assumed from both sides. You can even use AI to make a fake headshot. Get that burner LinkedIn ready to go and take your interviews in a panda costume while blasting death metal. The world is your oyster.

Did you know you can use ChatGPT to crank out solid resumes with minimal effort for pretty much any role? It sure would be a shame if every bored r/antiwork stan started mass applying to unpaid internships or critical roles at socially and environmentally damaging companies while feigning extremely plausible qualifications.

IANAL, but to my understanding, there's no law against nonsense resumes and interviews for private employers. Up until a contract is signed a fair degree of BS is tolerated if not assumed from both sides.

You can even use AI to make a fake headshot. Get that burner LinkedIn ready to go and take your interviews in a panda costume while blasting death metal.

The world is your oyster.

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