I left my job (grocery store) about a month ago. I just took vacation and never went back. I had saved up enough money to pay my bills for two years, and have college paid for, so I just became a full time student to get out of the despair which is retail and focus on investing in myself. The question comes from my ex coworkers' respose. I told them my plan before I enacted it and tried to encourage them to go back to school as well. “Hey, you can get a pell grant, and school is paid for.”You could even just work part-time and go to school for free.” Some of these people are in their early 20s, and some are mid 30s, and none of them were interested. I mentioned trade school as well (electrician, plumber, hvac). It was almost like I was stupid for wanting to obtain a degree. I just don't understand the thought process of going to a job you dislike (none of them like the job) for the rest of your life, instead of taking the opportunity to go to college (at no cost to them) and increase their chances of making more money and doing something they enjoy. Some of these people still live with their parents, so it's not like they couldn't survive going part time or even quitting all together.