
Stop calling me in on my days off

I hate how I'm expected to come in whenever my bosses need someone to cover or they just got confirmed for extra hours in the middle of the week. Like my time isn't valuable because I'm not on the schedule ? If I'm playing video games, watching anime or walking my dog, then that's part of my day and it shouldn't be my personal responsibility to come in on my day off for your sake. If we ever make it country wide in the U.S. to ban employers from contacting employees when they're clocked out, I'm turning into a fucking rat.

I hate how I'm expected to come in whenever my bosses need someone to cover or they just got confirmed for extra hours in the middle of the week. Like my time isn't valuable because I'm not on the schedule ?

If I'm playing video games, watching anime or walking my dog, then that's part of my day and it shouldn't be my personal responsibility to come in on my day off for your sake.

If we ever make it country wide in the U.S. to ban employers from contacting employees when they're clocked out, I'm turning into a fucking rat.

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