
Stop Quitting (if your situation allows it). Start making them fire you.

I see so many posts talking about quitting. We need to stop doing this. If they are making you go back to work (WFH return), then stay home, and just wait for them to do their job. Managers hate confrontation (most of them), so you will be able to get that extra pay check until they grow some balls to actually fire you, which may be weeks or even months…. Again, there are a lot of spineless managers in the workforce. They are fine to tell you what to do, but for them to actually have to “do something” is difficult for them. Especially when it comes to confrontation or firing a person. Theyre used to someone else doing the actual work… For example, I told my company i was no longer filling in for the vacant analyst position (after 8 months of doing it for free)… My boss basically…

I see so many posts talking about quitting. We need to stop doing this. If they are making you go back to work (WFH return), then stay home, and just wait for them to do their job. Managers hate confrontation (most of them), so you will be able to get that extra pay check until they grow some balls to actually fire you, which may be weeks or even months….

Again, there are a lot of spineless managers in the workforce. They are fine to tell you what to do, but for them to actually have to “do something” is difficult for them. Especially when it comes to confrontation or firing a person. Theyre used to someone else doing the actual work…

For example, I told my company i was no longer filling in for the vacant analyst position (after 8 months of doing it for free)… My boss basically told me it was my job now and that i HAD to do the analyst work on top of my job. I put my foot down, and straight faced told them no. We had some heated back and forth with my entire team, and i really thought i was going to be fired after having such a heated argument…. You know what they did? NOTHING. Not a damn thing at all. That was 4 months ago.

Now someone else is doing the analyst work. They found another sucker. The dumb C*nt who is my boss is too spineless to write me up or fire me. Problem solved for me. Now instead of working a full 40 hours, i can get all my work done by Wednesday and have nothing to do all day Thursday and Friday.

Put your foot down, dont quit, make them fire you. Dont do their work for them. Call their bluff.

p.s. I had a meeting with the same team i spoke about above. Apparently a new person came onto a team that they cross collaborate with. My entire team began to talk behind this guys back by saying he was an A**hole, and a brute. Their suggestion on how to handle this new A**hole was to “promote him”… They said, “yea, john is an A**hole and it will be difficult to work with him the rest of the year.. WE NEED TO FIND A WAY TO GET HIM PROMOTED.”…. Moral of the story is, dont quit unless it is really wrecking your mental or you are being harassed.

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