
Stressed about being sick too much :(

I started a new job as an administrator in the middle of July. I had to leave early one day my first week because I had thrown up at work. The next week, I was on vacation, which was approved and made known to everyone by the time I even started. Two weeks ago, I had a terrible migraine. I have chronic headaches, but I had new symptoms. I couldn’t see too well, I could barely walk, I was tearing up from pain. I left early that day because I already did all of my time sensitive tasks. I stayed home the next day because it wasn’t any better and I had to go to urgent care. This past weekend, I caught a normal upper respiratory infection. It was fine and cleared up by Monday, but Ive had a lingering cough all week. It’s painful and constant. I can barely…

I started a new job as an administrator in the middle of July. I had to leave early one day my first week because I had thrown up at work.

The next week, I was on vacation, which was approved and made known to everyone by the time I even started.

Two weeks ago, I had a terrible migraine. I have chronic headaches, but I had new symptoms. I couldn’t see too well, I could barely walk, I was tearing up from pain. I left early that day because I already did all of my time sensitive tasks. I stayed home the next day because it wasn’t any better and I had to go to urgent care.

This past weekend, I caught a normal upper respiratory infection. It was fine and cleared up by Monday, but Ive had a lingering cough all week. It’s painful and constant. I can barely talk to clients over the phone because I end up coughing so damn much. Even my coworkers have pointed it out. Last night, Wednesday night, I coughed so hard I threw up everywhere multiple times. I took off today, Thursday, to go to the doctor and get some medicine.

I communicated with my bosses for every single one and have provided doctors notes. One of my managers emailed me today and was very nice and said he hopes to see me tomorrow, but also mentioned they were concerned with my attendance.

I know I’ve been out a lot, and I feel more guilty than any physical symptoms of my illnesses. Even though I don’t get paid as much as I want, I really do enjoy my job and the staff. I sent another email reply to apologize and recognize their concern, also making it known that this isn’t the usual for me.

I feel so frustrated. On one hand, I have been out a lot during my first month and a half and I understand where they’re coming from. On the other, I can’t help it if I’m sick. I also don’t want to get anyone else sick.

Sorry, this is more of a rant than anything else. What are y’all’s thoughts? Should I be feeling this guilty? I want to cry tbh I hate being “in trouble” and I hate when people are disappointed in me.

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