
Struggles of hating work

I hate working, until today I had a fairly decent paying job (much hiring that the UK average) but I am miserable working. I honestly just don't care about work. Someone asks me to do something be it a customer, manager, anyone, it goes to the bottom of my ever growing to do list and only gets done if it gets moaned about. I am starting to realise that I probably need to work for myself but whenever I talk to my friends about hating work in general most of them laugh me off and go yeah of course its work. As I alluded to above I have today been offered a settlement package to leave my job. Honestly I am not too fussed but there is part of me thats panicking and wanting to rush a get a new job, but i know that give it 6 – 12…

I hate working, until today I had a fairly decent paying job (much hiring that the UK average) but I am miserable working. I honestly just don't care about work. Someone asks me to do something be it a customer, manager, anyone, it goes to the bottom of my ever growing to do list and only gets done if it gets moaned about. I am starting to realise that I probably need to work for myself but whenever I talk to my friends about hating work in general most of them laugh me off and go yeah of course its work.

As I alluded to above I have today been offered a settlement package to leave my job. Honestly I am not too fussed but there is part of me thats panicking and wanting to rush a get a new job, but i know that give it 6 – 12 months i will be under preforming as i don't care and again looking for a job or on a performance plan. I am smart and honestly think I am better than most jobs I have ever had. Any advise on how to either suck it up and join the rat-race or how to commit to an idea and start a company. Feeling lost and now i am being let go i have free reign to do what I want but how do i figure that out?

I don't know what I am posting here looking for. Just nice to see that there are other people out there that are struggling too and needed a rant, feel better already. Any suggestions on how to focus please let me know.

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